220/240V DataVac® Electric Duster® ED-500PV with Variable Speed Control


Say no to canned air. The multi-purpose DataVac® Electric Duster® is designed to blast dust, dirt and debris off of your expensive tech equipment. And now it comes with Variable Speed...Now with Variable Speed€¦dial €œ low€ for €œsensitive€ electronics/ applications, or dial up to high for maximum cleaning output. Regular use of the DataVac® Electric Duster® can help to ensure your office and electronic gear is dust-free and running at maximum efficiency.

Its sturdy and modernized structure is completely redesigned to offer you the most lightweight but powerful office duster in the industry. It features a 500-Watt, Variable Speed motor and is ideal for keeping keyboards, computers, Audio/ Video, and other technological equipment clean.

Consumers keep finding new cleaning applications for the Electric Duster every day. Explore the possibilities€¦  

Unlike traditional canned air blowers, it features greener power that is more eco-friendly than alternate options on the market. Its green energy source means the ED-500 is more effective and cost-efficient when compared to other models.

The MetroVac DataVac® Electric Duster® with Variable Speed is available at 120 volts and comes with a 12ft conductor cord, air-pin pointer, concentrator nozzle, air-flare nozzle and a four-piece detailing tool kit.

Go green and save green.

DataVac® Electric Duster® ED500
Construction: Sturdy All Steel Baked Enamel Finish
Motor: .75 Peak HP Motor with Variable Speed Control
AMPs: 4.5 Amps
Watts 540 Watts
Airflow: CFM/FPM 70 CFM
Cord: 12 ft 2 Conductor Cord
Dimensions/Weight: 6.75"x4"x7.5" / 3 lbs
Attachments: Air-Pin Pointer, Air Concentrator Nozzle, Air- Flare Nozzle and 4-Piece Detailing Tool Kit

It Pays to be Made in the USA!

This machine carries a Three Year Limited* Warranty.  

The Three Year Warranty includes the dryer unit and the motor.*

There is also a One Year Warranty* on Parts, Switches, and Cords.

This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship, including installation, with the exceptions stated below.

*Metrovac will repair or replace any defective or malfunctioning part* at no charge. If the machine is not repairable, it will be replaced.

*Mechanical alterations made to the machine will void the warranty.

*Warranty does not cover carbon brushes, carbon brush wear, filters, or general maintenance.

*The warranty does not cover physical damage made to the machine, improper electrical connections, or water damage.

*Customer is responsible for shipping charges to and from our facility.

***Even if the product is beyond the warranty period, we suggest you send the unit back to our factory for expert repairs and maintenance at reasonable rates. Please click the following link to access our Repairs and Maintenance form***


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