If your MetroVac vacuum cleaner has broken down, chances are our team of vacuum cleaner repair experts can fix it! All you need to do to get your vacuum cleaner repaired is follow the instructions below, providing us with some necessary information. Once you’ve sent it to us, we’ll perform our vacuum repair procedure and get your vacuum back in your hands right away!
Make sure the machine is securely packaged (Bubble Wrap, Packing paper, Packing Peanuts, etc.). Shipping damage due to inadequate packaging will be repaired at the owner's expense. Do not return any hoses or attachments with the machine coming back for repair. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCESSORIES OR HOSES SENT BACK WITH THE REPAIR.
Please use the below shipping address:
Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner Co.
5 Raritan Road
Oakland, NJ 07436
Shipping Charges are the responsibility of the Customer.
Please note this form is only to alert our team of an impending repair order that is coming in. If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about your repair, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-822-1602.
**We make every effort to contact customers about their machines and get them returned in a timely manner; however, if a customer has not returned our calls or have contacted us within 60 days of us receiving the machine, we are not responsible for the return of the machine or a refund.**
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